Wednesday, July 29, 2009

outta my way

It's already week 2 and I'm obviously still in holiday mode. I've been doing all my work at the very last hour before bedtime (literally) cause seems as if there's just tooo much to do and was talking to a friend and both realized all our classes have become such a bore zzzz. And so what better way to rid myself of the stress but to spend my so called "free hours" to gaze upon useless things like clothes and shoes... well maybe not useless but I know I shouldn't be dwelling on these when I'm broke, but hell noooooo, I made my orders alr and even created a new list! I guess it's the only thing that keeps me sane these days, apart from other things like................. Anyway, I thought I had alot to write about but my head is completely blank right now and I'm srsly feeling so fucked. Think I might run a fever.

Oh and p.s. i'm starting to learn to love you guys all over again. yes you you you youuu HAHA

So here are my recent buys... all practically from Silence & Noise..

...and this I have yet to cross off my list.
purchasing this bb soon!!


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